Running your own business is what you have always dreamed of, being your own boss, deciding the when and where. It is a rollercoaster of emotions and stress – this is why it’s so important to prioritise looking after yourself and your health.  

Research from Xero finds a heavy workload is increasing strain on business owner’s mental health. So, where are the pressure points, well here’s the top 10 – let’s see if they resonate with you:

  1. Managing staff (42%)
  2. All the admin (35%)
  3. Feeling responsible for the success of the company (31%)
  4. Keeping up with compliance (26%)
  5. Paying for office overheads and expenses (24%)
  6. Keeping clients happy (23%)
  7. Imposter syndrome (20%)
  8. Filing taxes (19%)
  9. Time pressure (17%)
  10. Multitasking (14%)

What can we do about it, here’s our top tips for keeping a lid on the stress that running your own business can bring:

1 – Celebrate the wins

It can be all too easy to point out the negatives, especially when things becoming testing…You can relieve stress by reminding yourself of the things that are going right. List out all of your accomplishments, you will be surprised by how many there are. Put the list on the wall OR for every good/thank you email you get – file it away under ‘wins’! Have a read once a week to remind yourself that you are doing a great job even if the to do list is never ending!

2 – Take a walk

Running your own business is time consuming and totally addictive. It can occupy the brain 24/7, that’s why it’s so important to take time away from it. Diluting the business brain burn with a walk, a chat with a friend or anything not business related will make you way more productive than sitting at your desk trying to solve a problem. Best thing about it is…you are the boss so you can take a break whenever you want! Find what relaxes you and embrace it.

3 – Delegate

Share the love and responsibility – take a look at your to do list, how many tasks can be given to other people, which ones specifically need you? This is not a question of who you trust to do the tasks, it is discovering which ones need your input. Once you have managed to break your list down then we can tackle, who can do these tasks. If there isn’t anyone in your team that you can leave them to then perhaps take a look at outside help.   

4 – Eat that frog for breakfast

Ever read, Eat That Frog ( We will try our best not to spoil it for you but it’s all about doing the hardest most difficult task on your to do list first. The task should be completed head on with no interruptions until it is complete. The theory is it makes you more productive, efficient and less stressed!

5 – Set SMART goals

Be realistic with your goals, we totally understand the need to set big hairy arsed goals for your business but managing your own expectations is important too. Here is a great tool for setting achievable goals for your business:

Stress management is common sense but can be difficult to implement especially when times are tough. Keeping an eye on your stress levels and being mindful of how you are reacting to situations is key. And if it all gets a little too much…take yourself out of the situation, go for a walk and clear your head. You’ll be surprised by how much better you will feel.