We understand that we are in difficult financial times, however rather than meticulously saving,
choosing to offer your employees an attractive benefits package can lead to long term benefits
for your business. If there is room within your budget, using this extra cash to provide employee
benefits can boost morale, promote a positive company culture and reduce workplace stress.
An attractive benefits package can improve staff loyalty, as well as encouraging new skilled
talent to join your team. We’ve included below some examples of popular perks that you could
offer your workforce.
Employee treats:
To begin, we feel that offering tea and coffee in the workplace is a must! Having a coffee station will
encourage your employees to take small breaks and reduce the risk of burnout – whilst also
eliminating time wasting from mid day coffee runs. Furthermore, these offerings will show to
your employees that you care about their workplace experience.
A step further would be to also offer Friday Drinks, providing the opportunity to get closer to your
employees, or to show you appreciate all they have achieved throughout the week.
Days off:
We know it sounds unbelievable, but offering extra days off can be an effective way to boost
productivity! By offering your employees the option of a few mental health/duvet days if they are
feeling down, this can ensure that they return to work refreshed and reduce workplace stress.
Furthermore, offering a holiday trading system (where your employees can buy more annual
leave) can provide your workforce with control over their work-life balance, which could in turn
increase your staff retention and attract new talent.
Social perks:
Do you offer occasional outings paid for by the company? Social perks such as events or trips
out could effectively instill a positive company culture within your workforce. A strong and
healthy culture has been proven to boost employee morale and workplace satisfaction – plus it
may be fun to get to know your employees better!
Health or child care:
We understand that work can be stressful, so here are two ways in which you could make your
employees’ work-life easier…
First is child care. Child care benefits could reduce turnover rates, provide female employees
with the opportunities for advancement and attract strong talent towards your business. Some
examples of how these benefits could be offered by your business is through childcare
subsidies or vouchers, flexible employment schedules or even on-site childcare.
Secondly is health care. Your business could actively promote physical wellbeing for your
employees, through benefits such as subsidized gym memberships, fitness classes, or running
clubs. Access to mental health support could also be incorporated into your business, which can
reduce stress, depression and anxiety (all of which are leading causes in workplace absence).
Through actively helping to improve your employees mental and physical wellbeing, you can
ensure that your colleagues feel supported within the workplace, increase productivity and
improve workplace satisfaction.
Although benefits packages could be an effective way for your business to improve productivity,
job satisfaction, staff retention and attract new talent, it is important to consider what benefits
will be financially feasible for you. Careful assessment will need to be undertaken to ensure that
you can afford to offer these benefits on a long term basis.
If you would like to offer a package to your employees, get in touch with one of our team today and we can assess what options will be viable for you.