6 ways to improve your near-term cash flow

6 ways to improve your near-term cash flow

When you run a business, it’s vital to keep a close eye on the money coming in and going out of it – especially during this time of rapidly rising costs. Here are six simple tips to help you track, control, and improve your cash flow.  Ensure your invoices are...

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How to tell HMRC about a change to your personal details

How to tell HMRC about a change to your personal details

As a business owner, when any of your personal details change, you need to let HMRC know. Below you will find some helpful tips on the steps you need to take to keep HMRC up to speed with your correct information. Changes to name or address: If you change your name or...

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Raising funds for your business

Raising funds for your business

It can be frustrating if you have incredible plans to grow your business, but you do not have enough cash available due to the cost of running your current day-to-day operations. However, instead of halting your businesses growth, there is opportunity to receive...

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How to prepare your business for Autumn

How to prepare your business for Autumn

September is upon us, and we enter a more challenging season for businesses - Autumn. As summer usually is the busiest time for many businesses, it is easy to enter a state of worry due to sales beginning to slow in preparation for winter. However, instead of worrying...

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Should I expand my service offerings

Should I expand my service offerings

There are many advantages to expanding service offerings - it provides opportunities such as business growth, a new revenue stream and the potential to attract more clients. Therefore, if you have been experiencing stable revenue, a growth in sales and have some spare...

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Considerations Before Hiring a New Employee

Particularly at this time of year, as business begins to thrive during the summer months, you may be considering hiring a new employee. Hiring more staff can lead to greater productivity within your team (if your current employees are struggling to manage the...

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Keeping costs low as a small business

Keeping costs low as a small business

With the cost of living continuing to skyrocket and showing no signs of slowing down, we wanted to use this month's blog to provide you with some top tips for reducing your business costs! As a small business, it can be challenging at the best of times to maintain...

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Should I Offer a Benefits Package?

Should I Offer a Benefits Package?

We understand that we are in difficult financial times, however rather than meticulously saving,choosing to offer your employees an attractive benefits package can lead to long term benefitsfor your business. If there is room within your budget, using this extra cash...

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